May 21, 2019
The Union at Stratford Middle: Preparing Students for Success in High School
The last two years of middle school are crucial in preparing students for the greater responsibility and academic rigor of high school. If students fall behind in seventh or eight grade, they have that much more to catch up before being ready for college or career. Many never do. The Martha O’Bryan Center’s Academic Student Union at Stratford Middle is working to fill this need and engage...Read More
March 15, 2019
Teach for America Nashville: Building a pipeline of teachers and leaders
Teach For America (TFA) seeks and supports an outstanding and diverse network of leaders who commit to expanding educational opportunities for all children. By recruiting high-achieving, passionate college graduates into Nashville classrooms, TFA bolsters the teacher candidate pool and builds a pipeline of local leaders to expand educational opportunity for children facing the...Read More
January 15, 2019
Oasis College Connection: Helping more students enroll and succeed in college
For too many Nashville high school students, college seems a distant possibility— or worse, an unattainable dream. But the ability to reach and complete post-secondary education opportunities can be a critical factor in exiting the cycle of poverty. Recognizing this reality, the Oasis Center formed the Oasis College Connection (OCC) in 2008. This intensive, college-counseling program...Read More
October 25, 2018
Nashville Adult Literacy Council: Teaching children to read, by teaching parents to read
In the Blueprint for Early Childhood Success, a citywide framework to improve Nashville’s literacy rates, the words “parent,” “family(ies),” and “generation” are mentioned more than 300 times. The Blueprint’s research and recommendations indicate that parental engagement is critical for childhood success. However, such support is practically impossible for parents who can’t read or who lack...Read MoreJune 20, 2018